Securing Site with HTTPS

This playbook outlines the importance of utilizing HTTPS over HTTP to improve SEO and earn user trust. The necessity of secure connections for website credibility and search engine optimization is emphasized.

Step 1: Research

Understand the difference between HTTP and HTTPS, how HTTPS works as a secure version of HTTP by using encryption with an SSL/TLS certificate, and why it is important for user trust and SEO.

Step 2: Evaluate

Assess your current website to determine if it is using HTTPS. If not, plan for the transition by considering the costs of certificates, implementation efforts, and any changes required for your website.

Step 3: Acquire Certificate

Purchase an SSL/TLS certificate from a reputable Certificate Authority (CA). There are various types of certificates available, such as Domain Validated (DV), Organization Validated (OV), and Extended Validation (EV).

Step 4: Install Certificate

Follow the instructions provided by the CA or your hosting provider to install the SSL/TLS certificate on your server. This process typically involves updating server configuration files and possibly adjusting some website content.

Step 5: Verify Installation

Once installed, verify that the SSL/TLS certificate is correctly implemented by using online tools such as SSL Labs' SSL Test or other SSL checker websites.

Step 6: Update Website

Ensure all website links are updated from HTTP to HTTPS to prevent mixed content issues, where secure and non-secure content is served on the same page. This includes updating any hardcoded links in your website templates or databases.

Step 7: 301 Redirects

Implement 301 redirects from HTTP URLs to HTTPS to signal to search engines that the pages have moved permanently, and to automatically redirect visitors to the secure version of your site.

Step 8: Notify Google

Update your website's sitemap to reflect the HTTPS URLs and resubmit it to Google via Google Search Console. Also, update any URL parameters in Search Console if necessary.

Step 9: Monitor Performance

Monitor your website's performance and SEO rankings following the transition to HTTPS. Check for crawl errors or any security warnings that may arise and respond accordingly.

General Notes


SSL/TLS certificates have an expiration date. Set reminders to renew your certificate before it expires to avoid your site being marked as insecure.


Although HTTPS can add some overhead, the security benefits often outweigh the slight performance cost. Utilize HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 if possible, as they provide improved performance alongside HTTPS.

SEO Impact

Switching to HTTPS can temporarily affect your SEO rankings as search engines adjust to the changes. However, the long-term benefit of improved security will contribute positively to your website's SEO.