Influencer Outreach Strategy

This playbook describes the structured approach to reach out to influencers in order to promote content and broaden audience engagement. It includes identifying the right influencers, crafting a personalized message, and following up to build a relationship.

Step 1: Research

Identify relevant influencers by researching those who align with your brand's values and audience. Use tools like social media analytics, influencer databases, or conduct manual searches on platforms where your audience is active.

Step 2: Engage

Before making an ask, engage with the influencers' content. Like, comment, and share their posts to establish initial contact and show genuine interest in their work.

Step 3: Craft Message

Develop a personalized outreach message that clearly states why you are reaching out, the mutual benefit, and what you are asking of them. Emphasize the value they'll receive from promoting your content.

Step 4: Contact

Reach out to the influencers via their preferred method of communication, often stated on their profile or website. Whether it's through email, direct message, or a contact form, ensure your message is professional and to the point.

Step 5: Follow Up

If you don't receive a response, send a polite follow-up message after a reasonable amount of time has elapsed, usually about a week. Reinforce your offer's value and express your earnest desire to collaborate.

Step 6: Build Relationship

Once contact is established, focus on building a lasting relationship. Continuing to support their content and finding ongoing opportunities for collaboration can make influencers more likely to promote your content regularly.

General Notes


Tailor each outreach message to the individual influencer. Influencers receive numerous pitches; a personalized approach helps stand out.


Keep communications professional. Even if the influencer has a casual online persona, maintain professionalism in your outreach messages.


Maintain a record of your outreach efforts to track who has been contacted, their responses, and any agreements made. This helps in follow-ups and managing relationships.