Combating Negative SEO

This playbook outlines steps to protect your website from negative SEO attacks, which can harm your search engine rankings. It includes strategies for monitoring, assessing, and addressing issues that can arise from such malicious tactics.

Step 1: Monitor Backlinks

Regularly monitor your website's backlinks using SEO tools like Google Search Console or other specialized software. Watch for suspicious or unnatural links that could be intended to harm your SEO rankings.

Step 2: Audit Content

Perform content audits to check for duplicate content that could be used against your site in search engines. Utilize plagiarism checkers and set up Google Alerts for unique phrases from your website to detect unauthorized copies.

Step 3: Upgrade Security

Enhance your website's security with SSL encryption, strong passwords, and by updating software to prevent hacking attempts that may lead to SEO penalty-inducing activities like spammy content posting.

Step 4: Disavow Toxic Links

Use Google's Disavow Tool to disassociate your website from toxic backlinks that are identified. Submit a disavow file listing the negative links to inform Google that these should not be considered in assessing your website's quality.

Step 5: Update Robots.txt

Make sure your robots.txt file is configured properly to prevent malicious crawlers from scraping your site and content. This can help deter content duplication and other forms of negative SEO.

Step 6: Engage in PR

Be proactive with your public relations efforts by regularly publishing original and high-quality content. This will help in maintaining a positive online reputation and dilute the impacts of any negative SEO.

Step 7: Legal Action

If you identify a source purposefully targeting your website with negative SEO, consider taking legal action. Consult with an attorney to discuss the possibilities of sending cease and desist letters or pursuing other legal avenues.

General Notes

Stay Informed

Keep up to date with the latest SEO guidelines and practices as search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, which may affect how negative SEO tactics are managed.


Maintain records and documentation of your monitoring and corrective actions. This can be useful if you need to demonstrate your case to search engines or in legal situations.

Community Support

Join webmaster and SEO communities for support, as sharing experiences can provide insights into new negative SEO trends and collaborative defense strategies.