Pottery Decoration Techniques

This playbook describes various techniques used for decorating pottery, including methods like sgraffito, slip trailing, and inlay.

Step 1: Gather Materials

Collect all necessary materials for pottery decoration, which may include carving tools, colored slips, brushes, and inlay substances.

Step 2: Preparation

Prepare the pottery surface by ensuring it is clean, dry, and leather-hard, which is the ideal state for applying decorating techniques.

Step 3: Sgraffito Technique

Apply a layer of colored slip to the pottery surface. Once the slip is slightly dry, use carving tools to scrape away parts of the slip to create contrasting images, patterns, or textures that reveal the clay color underneath.

Step 4: Slip Trailing Technique

Fill a slip trailer or a squeeze bottle with colored slip. Carefully squeeze out the slip onto the pottery surface to create raised patterns or designs. Allow the design to dry before the next step.

Step 5: Inlay Technique

Carve or incise designs into the leather-hard clay, and then fill the incisions with a contrasting colored slip or clay. Scrape away the excess material after it dries slightly to reveal a crisp inlaid pattern.

Step 6: Drying

Allow the decorated pottery to dry thoroughly. This may take several hours to days depending on the thickness of the work and the humidity of the environment.

Step 7: Final Touches

Once dry, the pottery can undergo final touch-ups. Smooth any rough edges and clean up any loose particles. Your pottery is now ready for the bisque firing.

Step 8: Bisque Firing

Carefully place your pottery in the kiln, ensuring there is proper space around each piece for air circulation. Fire according to the clay body's specifications to complete the bisque firing process.

General Notes


Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and a mask, when handling raw materials and during the firing process.


Some techniques may require practice to master. Don't be discouraged by initial imperfections and continue honing your skills.


These techniques are starting points for decoration. Experiment with combining them or adding other methods to create unique artwork.