Retirement Income Strategy

This playbook outlines the steps necessary for creating a steady income stream during retirement. It emphasizes the consideration of withdrawal rates and the tax implications of different retirement income sources.

Step 1: Assess Needs

Determine your retirement living expenses, including housing, food, healthcare, hobbies, and travel. Estimate the monthly and annual income required to cover these expenses.

Step 2: Review Assets

Compile a detailed list of all retirement assets, including pensions, 401(k)s, IRAs, real estate, and other investment accounts. Assess the value, income potential, and liquidity of each asset.

Step 3: Analyze Withdrawal Rates

Evaluate different withdrawal strategies to determine a sustainable rate that minimizes the risk of depleting your retirement assets. Consider the '4% rule' and adapt it based on your asset mix and longevity expectations.

Step 4: Understand Taxes

Consult with a tax advisor or conduct research to understand how your retirement income will be taxed. Adjust your withdrawal strategy to minimize tax liability by considering the taxation of different accounts, such as Roth vs. Traditional IRAs.

Step 5: Implement Strategy

Based on the understanding of needs, assets, withdrawal rates, and tax implications, create a detailed income plan. Decide from which accounts to withdraw first and set up automatic distributions if possible.

Step 6: Monitor Plan

Regularly review your retirement income plan to ensure it remains effective. Adjust the plan as needed to reflect changes in expenses, asset performance, tax laws, and personal circumstances.

General Notes


The retirement income strategy should be flexible to adapt to market fluctuations, unexpected expenses, and changes in tax legislation.


Consider the impact of inflation on your retirement income needs and adjust your plan accordingly to maintain purchasing power.

Healthcare Costs

Healthcare costs often increase as you age. It's important to consider these potential expenses and possibly look into long-term care insurance.

Professional Advice

Seeking advice from financial and tax professionals can provide personalized guidance tailored to your specific situation.