Couples Retirement Planning

This playbook provides a structured approach for couples to jointly plan for their retirement. It outlines steps to align financial goals, manage investments, and prepare personally for the retirement phase.

Step 1: Discuss Goals

Both partners should openly discuss their individual and common retirement goals, including the desired retirement age, lifestyle, location preferences, and any ambitions for travel or hobbies.

Step 2: Assess Finances

Evaluate current financial status, including income, savings, debts, and investments. Calculate the projected retirement needs based on anticipated expenses and the desired lifestyle discussed earlier.

Step 3: Create Budget

Based on the assessment, create a detailed budget that factors in both current savings and future needs. Look for opportunities to reduce expenses and increase savings to meet the retirement goals.

Step 4: Consolidate Accounts

Consider consolidating accounts where appropriate for more efficient management. This might include merging individual savings accounts or rolling over old 401(k) plans.

Step 5: Investment Strategy

Align your investment strategies to both partners' risk tolerance and time horizons. Decide on asset allocation, diversification, and whether to use professional financial advisory services.

Step 6: Update Beneficiaries

Ensure all retirement accounts and insurance policies have up-to-date beneficiary designations that reflect each other’s wishes for estate planning.

Step 7: Insurance Review

Review insurance policies, including health, life, and long-term care insurance, to ensure adequate coverage heading into retirement.

Step 8: Legal Documentation

Prepare or update important legal documents such as wills, powers of attorney, and healthcare directives to reflect retirement plans and preferences.

Step 9: Plan for Taxes

Work with a tax professional to understand the potential tax implications of retirement savings and investment withdrawals, and develop a tax-efficient strategy for retirement.

Step 10: Regular Reviews

Schedule regular financial reviews to monitor progress, rebalance investments, and make adjustments as needed to stay on track with retirement goals.

General Notes


Keep communication open and honest throughout the process. Financial and personal considerations should be discussed together, with decisions made as a partnership.

Professional Help

Consider seeking professional financial advice, especially if there are complex investments or tax considerations. A financial planner can provide personalized guidance tailored to the couple's unique situation.


Maintain flexibility in plans. Life’s circumstances and individual desires may change over time, and retirement plans should be revisited periodically to adjust for any new developments.