Creating a Winning Resume

This playbook outlines the steps needed to create a well-structured and impactful resume. It includes tips on choosing the right format, designing the resume for readability, and selecting content that highlights your qualifications.

Step 1: Format Selection

Choose the appropriate resume format that best showcases your experience and skills. The most common formats are chronological, functional, and combination. A chronological resume lists work experience in reverse chronological order and is suited for those with a strong work history. A functional resume focuses on skills and experience, rather than job history. A combination resume merges elements of both the chronological and functional formats.

Step 2: Design Elements

Design your resume to be clean, professional, and easy to read. Use a standard font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, and a font size between 10 to 12 points. Keep your layout consistent with clear headings, and use bullet points to highlight key information. Ensure there is enough white space to make the document not look too crowded.

Step 3: Contact Information

Include your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable) at the top of your resume. Ensure that this information is prominent and easy to find.

Step 4: Career Objective

Write a concise career objective or summary statement that clearly communicates your career goals and the value you bring to potential employers. This should be tailored to each job you apply for.

Step 5: Educational Background

List your educational achievements, starting with the most recent. Include the name of the institutions, degrees obtained, and the dates attended. If you've won any awards or honors, mention those as well.

Step 6: Work Experience

Detail your work experience, starting with the most recent job. For each position, include your job title, the company name, the dates of employment, and a list of responsibilities and achievements. Use action verbs to describe your duties and accomplishments.

Step 7: Skills and Certifications

Include a section dedicated to your skills and any certifications that are relevant to the job you're applying for. Be specific about your competencies and, if possible, how you've applied them in professional situations.

Step 8: Additional Sections

Consider adding other sections if they enhance your resume, such as publications, professional affiliations, awards, and volunteer experiences. Only include information that is relevant and adds value.

Step 9: Proofreading and Editing

Carefully proofread your resume multiple times to correct any grammar or spelling errors. Ask someone else to review it as well, as they may catch mistakes you've overlooked.

Step 10: Customization

Tailor your resume for the specific job you're applying for. Use keywords from the job description and focus on experiences and skills that align with the job requirements.

Step 11: Final Review

Perform a final review of your resume to make sure every item is up to date and relevant to the job you're seeking. Ensure the overall appearance is polished and professional.

General Notes

Online Presence

Ensure that your online profiles, especially on professional networking sites like LinkedIn, are also up-to-date and reflect the information on your resume.

ATS Optimization

Be aware that many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes. Use relevant keywords and clear formatting to make your resume ATS-friendly.