Synchronized Swimming Fundamentals

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide for beginners to learn the fundamental elements of synchronized swimming. It includes basic skills, team formations, and tips to prepare for performing a routine.

Step 1: Basics Overview

Begin by familiarizing yourself with the basic concepts of synchronized swimming. Understand the importance of coordination, rhythm, and teamwork. Study the commonly used positions and movements such as the scull, eggbeater kick, and figures.

Step 2: Physical Conditioning

Develop your swimming strength, flexibility, and endurance. Perform exercises both in and out of the water that improve your ability to perform the necessary skills, such as stretching, core strengthening, and aerobic conditioning.

Step 3: Skill Practice

Practice basic synchronized swimming skills individually. Focus on perfecting your sculling techniques, eggbeater kicks, and breath control. Consistent practice is crucial for muscle memory and skill development.

Step 4: Learn Figures

Study and practice the standardized figures used in routines. This includes solo, duet, and team figures. Pay attention to detail to ensure precise execution of each figure.

Step 5: Formation Training

Work with your team to practice swimming in formations. Start with simple patterns and gradually increase complexity as you become more comfortable and in sync with your teammates.

Step 6: Routine Choreography

Collaborate with your team and coach to choreograph a synchronized swimming routine. Choose music that complements your skills and practice timing your movements to the beat.

Step 7: Full Rehearsals

Conduct full rehearsals of your synchronized swimming routine. Focus on smooth transitions between figures, maintaining formations, and synchronization with the music and your teammates.

Step 8: Performance Prep

Prepare for your performance by finalizing costumes, makeup, and any props. Ensure all team members are confident with the routine and conduct a dress rehearsal if possible.

Step 9: Compete or Perform

Participate in a synchronized swimming competition or perform your routine. Embrace the experience, focus on execution, and enjoy showcasing your skills and teamwork.

General Notes


Regular and consistent practice of individual skills and team formations is essential to mastering synchronized swimming.


Building a strong rapport and communication with teammates is crucial for synchronization and overall performance.


Always practice in a safe environment with supervision, especially when attempting new figures or routines.