Fermentation Fun Playbook

This playbook guides beginners through the process of creating fermented foods. It outlines the essential steps to begin fermenting at home as a way to introduce beneficial probiotics into one's diet for improved gut health.

Step 1: Gather Supplies

Collect all necessary equipment and ingredients for your chosen fermentation recipe, such as a fermentation vessel, weights, salt, water, vegetables, and spices.

Step 2: Prepare Ingredients

Wash and chop your chosen vegetables. Prepare brine if your recipe requires it by dissolving salt in water.

Step 3: Packing

Tightly pack the vegetables into your fermentation vessel and pour over the brine to cover them. Ensure there are no air pockets and the vegetables are fully submerged.

Step 4: Weigh Down

Place a fermentation weight on top of the vegetables to keep them submerged throughout the fermentation process.

Step 5: Seal and Store

Seal the fermentation vessel with an airlock lid or cloth covering to allow gases to escape while preventing contaminants. Store the vessel at a consistent, room temperature out of direct sunlight.

Step 6: Monitor

Check on your ferment daily to ensure vegetables are submerged and to release any built-up gases if not using an airlock.

Step 7: Taste Test

Begin taste testing your ferment after a few days to determine if it has reached your desired level of sourness.

Step 8: Refrigerate

Once the desired taste is achieved, transfer the ferment to the refrigerator to slow the fermentation process and preserve.

General Notes


Ensure all tools and surfaces are clean before starting to prevent unwanted bacteria from affecting your fermentation.


The fermentation process can take anywhere from days to months. Be patient and allow the beneficial bacteria time to work.

Recipe Variation

Feel free to experiment with different vegetables and spices to create a variety of flavors.