Time Management for Project Managers

This guide provides project managers with strategies and tactics for managing time effectively to meet project deadlines. It covers setting priorities, delegating tasks, using tools, and reviewing performance.

Step 1: Set Priorities

Identify all tasks and deadlines involved in the project. Assess their importance and urgency to categorize them using the Eisenhower Matrix (urgent/important, not urgent/important, urgent/not important, not urgent/not important) and focus on high-priority activities.

Step 2: Plan Meticulously

Create a detailed project timeline with milestones and deliverables. Allocate time to each task based on priority and effort required, and set buffer times for unexpected delays.

Step 3: Delegate Tasks

Review the skillsets of the team members and assign tasks based on their capabilities. Ensure they understand the objectives and provide them with the resources and authority needed to complete the tasks.

Step 4: Use Tools

Implement time management tools like calendars, project management software, and time tracking apps to schedule tasks, streamline collaboration, and monitor time spent on each activity.

Step 5: Avoid Multitasking

Focus on single tasks instead of juggling multiple at the same time. This increases efficiency and reduces the risk of errors due to divided attention.

Step 6: Review Progress

Regularly review the progress of the project against the timeline. Identify any bottlenecks or delays early and adjust plans as needed to keep the project on track.

General Notes

Regular Breaks

Encourage the team to take regular breaks to maintain high levels of productivity and avoid burnout.


While structure is important for time management, remain flexible to adapt to changes and emergencies that may arise during the project.


Maintain open and clear communication with the team, stakeholders, and clients to ensure everyone is aligned on timelines and expectations.