Stakeholder Management Strategies

This playbook outlines a structured approach to identifying key stakeholders, analyzing their levels of impact and influence, and developing effective communication and engagement strategies to support project success.

Step 1: Identify Stakeholders

Create a comprehensive list of all individuals, groups, or organizations that may affect or be affected by the project. This includes sponsors, customers, team members, and external entities.

Step 2: Analyze Impact

Assess the degree of influence and impact each stakeholder has on the project. Determine who has high influence, high interest, and the potential to impact project outcomes.

Step 3: Prioritize Stakeholders

Rank stakeholders based on their level of impact and interest. Create a stakeholder matrix to categorize them into groups such as key players, keep satisfied, keep informed, and minimal effort.

Step 4: Develop Strategies

For each group of stakeholders, develop tailored strategies for communication and engagement. Consider the frequency of updates, level of detail, and the preferred channels of communication for each stakeholder.

Step 5: Implement Plan

Execute the communication and engagement strategies. Schedule and conduct regular updates, meetings, or other interactions as per the developed plan.

Step 6: Monitor & Adjust

Regularly review the effectiveness of the stakeholder management strategies. Be prepared to adjust the plan as the project progresses and as stakeholders' needs and levels of influence change.

General Notes

Feedback Loop

Maintain a feedback loop with stakeholders to ensure that their concerns and ideas are heard and considered, fostering a cooperative environment.


Keep a detailed record of all stakeholder communications and actions taken. This documentation will serve as a reference and help manage accountability.