Setting SMART Objectives

This playbook provides a guide on creating Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) objectives to ensure clear and attainable project goals.

Step 1: Specific

Define clear, specific project objectives. Avoid vagueness by answering the 'W' questions: What needs to be accomplished? Who is responsible for it? Where is it going to happen? Why is it important?

Step 2: Measurable

Ensure that the objectives are measurable. Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress and completion. Determine what metrics or indicators will be used to assess progress.

Step 3: Achievable

Assess the project objectives to ensure they are realistically achievable given the resources, time, and constraints. Adjust the scope if necessary to make them attainable.

Step 4: Relevant

Align the objectives with broader business goals, ensuring that they are relevant and contributing to the project's overall success. The objectives should matter to the stakeholders involved.

Step 5: Time-bound

Set a specific timeline for when the objectives should be achieved. This includes deadlines, milestones, and schedules to provide a clear target for project team members.

Step 6: Review & Adjust

Regularly review the objectives against project progress and make adjustments as necessary. This ensures that the objectives remain SMART throughout the project lifecycle.

General Notes


Keep in mind that while objectives should be as precise as possible, maintain flexibility to adapt to changes or unforeseen circumstances in the project environment.


Involve key project stakeholders in setting the objectives to ensure buy-in and that different perspectives are considered.


Document the SMART objectives clearly, and ensure they are communicated to all project team members and stakeholders for transparency and accountability.