Project Team Conflict Resolution

This playbook provides a structured approach to identifying and resolving conflicts within project teams. It outlines steps to uncover the sources of dispute and techniques to address these issues while maintaining team cohesion.

Step 1: Identify Conflict

Begin by gathering information and obtaining a clear understanding of the nature, source, and scope of the conflict. Observe team interactions, review project communications, and solicit feedback through individual discussions or surveys to pinpoint actual and potential disagreements.

Step 2: Analyze Conflict

Examine the identified conflict to determine underlying causes. Consider factors such as resource competition, communication breakdowns, differing objectives, and personality clashes that may be contributing to the situation.

Step 3: Communicate Openly

Encourage an open dialogue among team members. Facilitate a meeting or a series of meetings where all parties can communicate their grievances and perspectives in a respectful and productive manner.

Step 4: Develop Solutions

Work collaboratively with the team to brainstorm and discuss possible solutions to the conflict. Aim for win-win outcomes where feasible, and ensure that all team members are involved in the solution development process.

Step 5: Implement Agreements

Once a solution has been agreed upon, define clear actions and steps for implementation. Make sure that responsibilities are distributed fairly and that the agreement is communicated clearly to all team members.

Step 6: Monitor Progress

Following the implementation of the conflict resolution agreement, monitor the situation and progress. Regular check-ins can help ensure that the resolution is effective and that no further conflicts have arisen as a result.

Step 7: Evaluate and Adapt

Finally, evaluate the effectiveness of the conflict resolution process. Discuss what worked and what didn't work, making adjustments as necessary to improve future conflict management within the team.

General Notes

Maintain Neutrality

Throughout the conflict resolution process, it is crucial for the mediator or lead to remain neutral and fair, avoiding any perception of bias or favoritism.


Ensure that sensitive information shared during the conflict resolution process is kept confidential to maintain trust among team members.

Professional Development

Consider providing conflict resolution training for team members to build their skills in this area, which can preemptively reduce the occurrence and impact of conflicts.