Project Communication Plan Creation

This playbook describes the step-by-step process for creating a communication plan for a project. It is designed to ensure that all stakeholders have a common understanding of how information will be distributed and shared throughout the project's lifecycle.

Step 1: Identify Stakeholders

Compile a list of all project stakeholders who will be involved in or affected by the project. These include team members, management, clients, suppliers, and any other interested parties.

Step 2: Define Goals

Clarify the communication objectives for the project. Determine what information needs to be shared, the purpose of sharing that information, and the desired outcome.

Step 3: Choose Methods

Select communication methods suitable for the project and stakeholders. Consider options like meetings, emails, reports, and dashboards for regular updates.

Step 4: Set Frequency

Decide how often each type of communication should occur. Daily stand-ups, weekly reports, and monthly steering committee meetings are common examples.

Step 5: Assign Responsibilities

Determine which project team members will be responsible for each type of communication. This includes who will produce, deliver, and receive certain communications.

Step 6: Establish Protocols

Create protocols for information sharing and exchange. Define standard operating procedures for regular updates, emergency communications, and feedback loops.

Step 7: Create Templates

Develop templates for reports, emails, and other communication documents to ensure consistency and efficiency throughout the project.

Step 8: Obtain Feedback

Gather feedback from stakeholders on the draft communication plan. Ensure that it meets their needs and make adjustments where necessary.

Step 9: Finalize Plan

Finalize the communication plan, incorporating any changes based on feedback. Secure approval from key stakeholders and distribute the plan to all relevant parties.

Step 10: Review Regularly

Schedule periodic reviews of the communication plan to ensure it remains effective and make updates as the project evolves and stakeholder needs change.

General Notes

Stakeholder Analysis

Consider performing a stakeholder analysis if the stakeholders are not already well understood. This will help in tailoring communication to their interests and influence levels.


The communication plan should be flexible to adapt to project changes, such as stakeholder turnover, changes in project direction, and external factors.