Lean Project Management

This playbook outlines the application of Lean principles to project management with the aim of improving efficiency, reducing waste, and maximizing value delivery in projects.

Step 1: Identify Value

Define and understand the value from the customer's perspective. Ensure that every activity in the project aligns with what the customer deems valuable.

Step 2: Map Value Stream

Create a value stream map to visualize all the steps in the project process, identifying every action that contributes to the completion of customer value delivery.

Step 3: Create Flow

Remove bottlenecks, unnecessary steps, and interruptions in the project's process to ensure a smooth and continuous workflow.

Step 4: Establish Pull

Implement a pull system that ensures tasks are only initiated based on customer demand, to avoid overproduction and excess inventory.

Step 5: Seek Perfection

Continually look for ways to eliminate waste and increase value through constant reflection and process improvement.

General Notes

Continuous Improvement

Remember that Lean is an ongoing process of improvement rather than a one-time implementation. Teams should regularly review and analyze their workflows to find further areas for enhancement.

Team Involvement

Lean project management requires involvement from the entire team. Encourage contributions and insights from all members to maximize the effectiveness of Lean principles.

Customer Focus

Maintain constant communication with the customer to ensure that the project outcomes remain aligned with their value expectations and to adapt to any changes in their needs.