Critical Chain Project Management

This playbook outlines the steps involved in implementing Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM). It describes the sequence of actions needed to manage project schedules and resources effectively by focusing on critical tasks and resource buffers.

Step 1: Project Plan

Begin by creating a detailed project plan. Identify all tasks, their dependencies, and the resources needed for each task. Use this to build a project network diagram that depicts the sequence of tasks.

Step 2: Identify Chains

Analyze your project network diagram to identify the longest sequence of dependent tasks, known as the Critical Chain. This determines the shortest possible project duration.

Step 3: Resource Buffers

Allocate resource buffers effectively by assigning them to critical resources. This involves planning additional resources that can be used if critical resources are delayed or fall behind.

Step 4: Project Buffers

Instead of individual task buffers, incorporate a project buffer at the end of the Critical Chain. This acts as a safeguard for the project completion date against uncertainties in the Critical Chain.

Step 5: Monitor Progress

Use CCPM software or tracking tools to monitor project progress. Ensure that you compare actual task completion times with planned durations and adjust buffers as necessary.

Step 6: Reassess Chains

Regularly reassess your Critical Chain and the allocation of buffers as the project progresses. Adapt to changes in the project environment to ensure resource optimization.

Step 7: Final Review

Once all tasks on the Critical Chain are completed, conduct a final project review. Assess the use of buffers, the performance of the Critical Chain, and any lessons learned for future projects.

General Notes

Buffer Management

Pay particular attention to buffer management, as the correct use of buffers is central to the success of Critical Chain Project Management.

Task Estimation

When estimating task durations, focus on accurate estimations without contingencies, as contingencies are accounted for in project and resource buffers.