Creating a Project Charter

This playbook outlines the sequential steps necessary to create a project charter. It includes defining project scope, setting objectives, identifying stakeholders, and outlining preliminary resource allocations.

Step 1: Scope Definition

Define the project scope by detailing the boundaries of the project, specifying what will and will not be included, and the expected outputs. This should provide a clear understanding of the project limits and deliverables.

Step 2: Set Objectives

Establish clear, measurable, and attainable objectives for the project. Objectives should align with the overall goals of the organization and be as specific as possible to guide the project effectively.

Step 3: Identify Stakeholders

Identify all the stakeholders involved in the project. This includes those who will have an influence on the project or will be affected by it. Compile a list of these individuals or groups, and determine their interest and level of influence.

Step 4: Allocate Resources

Outline preliminary resource allocations that will be necessary for the project’s execution. This includes estimating the required budget, personnel, equipment, and materials. Ensure that these resources are sufficient to reach the project objectives.

General Notes

Document Format

Consider using a standardized template for the project charter to ensure consistency and completeness. This document should be formally structured and may require approvals from higher management.