Building a Mental Health Support System

This playbook provides a detailed approach to creating a network of support and resources to maintain and improve mental health. It focuses on identifying and engaging with various forms of support for one's mental well-being.

Step 1: Self-Assessment

Begin by assessing your current mental health needs and challenges. Reflect on what areas you feel are lacking in support and consider what types of support would benefit you the most.

Step 2: Research Options

Explore different types of mental health resources available, such as therapists, support groups, online forums, and self-help materials. Make a list of the options that resonate with you.

Step 3: Engage Socially

Cultivate a supportive social circle by reaching out to friends, family, and community members who are understanding and empathetic. Share your mental health goals with them and discuss ways they can support you.

Step 4: Professional Help

Consider seeking professional help if necessary. This could involve making appointments with a therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist who can provide specialized guidance and treatment.

Step 5: Self-Care Practices

Incorporate self-care activities into your routine that contribute to your mental well-being, such as exercise, meditation, journaling, or hobbies that you enjoy.

Step 6: Regular Review

Periodically review and adjust your support system. Assess what's working and what isn't, and make changes to your approach as your mental health needs evolve.

General Notes

Emergency Contacts

Always keep a list of emergency contacts, including hotlines and healthcare providers, in case you need immediate assistance for your mental health.


Remember that your mental health information is personal. Only share with individuals and professionals whom you trust, and who are required to keep your information confidential.


Building a strong mental health support system takes time and may involve trial and error. Be patient with yourself throughout the process.