Writing Engaging Podcast Show Notes

This playbook describes the sequential steps for crafting engaging and SEO-friendly show notes for a podcast. It outlines the procedure to provide valuable content for listeners and to encourage their engagement with the show.

Step 1: Topic Selection

Choose a relevant topic for the podcast episode that is of interest to your target audience. Ensure the topic is engaging and has enough substance for discussion.

Step 2: Key Points

Outline the main points and highlights of the episode. Include any interesting facts, statistics, or quotes that you want to emphasize in the show notes.

Step 3: SEO Keywords

Research and select relevant SEO keywords that are associated with the episode's topic. These keywords will help improve the visibility of your show notes in search engine results.

Step 4: Write Introduction

Compose an introductory paragraph that captivates the reader's attention, provides a brief overview of the episode, and includes the selected SEO keywords.

Step 5: Link Resources

Mention and hyperlink any resources, websites, or external content mentioned in the episode. This adds value for listeners who wish to explore these topics further.

Step 6: Include CTA

Incorporate a clear call-to-action (CTA) encouraging listeners to subscribe, share the podcast, provide feedback, or take any other desired action.

Step 7: Proofread

Carefully proofread the show notes to correct any spelling, grammar, or factual errors. Ensure that all links are working and that the content accurately represents the episode.

Step 8: Publish Notes

Publish the show notes on the podcast platform, website, or any other medium where the audience can access them. Ensure they are easily accessible and well-formatted for readability.

General Notes

Engaging Title

Create an intriguing title for the show notes that will draw in potential listeners. Make sure it reflects the content of the episode and includes relevant keywords.


Maintain a consistent format for the show notes to help regular listeners quickly locate the information they're interested in.

Update Regularly

Keep updating the show notes if any new information comes up after the episode is published that would add value to the discussion.