Remote Podcast Interviews

A guide to setting up and conducting high-quality podcast interviews remotely using various software and tools.

Step 1: Preparation

Choose the right software for recording the podcast that both you and your guest can easily access and use. Software options include Zoom, Skype, or dedicated podcasting platforms like Zencastr and SquadCast.

Step 2: Invitation

Send your guest clear instructions on how to use the chosen software, the date and time of the interview, and what they can expect during the session. Include potential topics or questions to help them prepare.

Step 3: Technical Setup

Ensure both you and your guest have a stable internet connection, good-quality microphones, and headphones to prevent audio feedback. Both parties should be in a quiet environment.

Step 4: Sound Check

Before starting the actual interview, conduct a sound check to adjust levels and ensure the audio is clear. Record a short sample to identify and fix any potential issues.

Step 5: Recording

Record the interview, making sure to monitor the audio levels throughout the session. Keep an eye on the software to ensure it is recording as it should be and that there are no connectivity issues.

Step 6: Backup Plan

Always have a backup recording method, such as a local audio recorder or a second software running, to safeguard against unforeseen technical failures.

Step 7: Post-Interview

After the interview, thank your guest for their time. Make a plan for when the episode will be published and how you will promote it. Discuss any follow-up actions needed from the guest, like sharing the episode once it's live.

General Notes


Always get consent from your guest before recording the interview, and be clear about how it will be used and distributed.


Remember to edit the recording for clarity, removing any unwanted sections, long pauses, or technical issues that were recorded during the interview.


Coordinate with your guest on promoting the podcast episode across social media channels to maximize reach. Provide them with any links, hashtags, or promotional materials they might need.