Podcast Guest Acquisition

This playbook outlines the strategies and steps to identify, reach out, and prepare for interviewing guests for a podcast. It covers how to find potential guests, make contact, and ensure engaging conversations.

Step 1: Identify Guests

Determine the type of guests you want for your podcast by considering your audience's interests, your podcast's theme, and the expertise or experiences that can add value to your episodes. Create a list of potential guests by researching industry leaders, subject-matter experts, or individuals with unique stories that align with your podcast's niche.

Step 2: Initial Contact

Craft a personalized invitation email or message for each potential guest. Start by introducing yourself, explaining your podcast, and why you think they would be a great fit for an episode. Highlight the value they would bring to your listeners. Provide details on the expected commitment, such as the time and format of the interview. Be polite and professional, and offer the flexibility to accommodate their schedule.

Step 3: Follow-Up

If you do not receive a response within a reasonable timeframe, usually one to two weeks, send a polite follow-up message. Reiterate your interest in having them as a guest and ask if they have any questions or concerns about the opportunity.

Step 4: Pre-Interview Prep

Once a guest agrees to participate, schedule a pre-interview call to discuss the format, content, and logistics of the interview. During the call, provide a clear overview of topics you would like to discuss and any specific questions you have in mind. Also, discuss any technical requirements and confirm the date and time of the recording.

Step 5: Research

Before the interview, conduct thorough research on the guest. This includes reviewing their work, previous interviews, and any relevant information that can help you ask insightful questions. Prepare your list of questions and topics to cover, while remaining open to spontaneous discussion during the interview itself.

Step 6: Technical Setup

Ensure the technical aspects of your recording setup are ready and comfortable for your guest. This includes testing your recording equipment, ensuring a stable internet connection if recording remotely, and providing clear instructions to your guest on how to connect and record their audio.

Step 7: Conduct Interview

On the day of the interview, greet your guest warmly, and make them comfortable. Start recording only when both you and the guest are ready. Guide the conversation based on your pre-planned questions but allow for natural dialog to develop. Be respectful of their time and ensure the interview stays within the agreed-upon timeframe.

Step 8: Post-Interview

After the interview, thank your guest for their time and contribution. Inform them of the expected publishing date for the episode and how you will promote their appearance. Follow up with any post-interview material you may have agreed upon, such as links to their work or promotional graphics they can share.

General Notes

Guest Comfort

Ensure your guest feels comfortable and informed throughout the process. Provide clear instructions and expectations, and foster a respectful and enjoyable atmosphere during the interview to encourage the best possible conversation.

Legal Considerations

Be aware of the legal aspects of recording interviews. Obtain necessary permissions or releases from your guests to use the recorded audio or video for your podcast. Clearly communicate how their information and recorded conversation will be used.