Podcast Content Calendar Creation

This playbook outlines the procedural steps for planning and organizing podcast episodes using a content calendar. This helps maintain a regular posting schedule, ensuring consistent releases for your audience.

Step 1: Goal Setting

Define the objectives of your podcast, such as target audience, episode frequency, and main themes. Determine how often you want to release new episodes and what your main content pillars should be.

Step 2: Tool Selection

Choose a tool for your content calendar, such as a digital planner, spreadsheet software like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, or specialized content planning apps.

Step 3: Brainstorm Topics

Conduct a brainstorming session to generate a list of potential episode topics that align with your podcast's themes and objectives.

Step 4: Content Mapping

Map your topics to specific dates on your content calendar. Consider time-sensitive events or themes that may dictate the release of certain episodes.

Step 5: Assign Tasks

List the tasks associated with each episode, such as research, scripting, recording, editing, and promotion. Assign due dates and responsible individuals for each task.

Step 6: Review Schedule

Review your planned schedule and adjust as necessary to ensure it is realistic and allows adequate time for high-quality content creation.

Step 7: Publish Plan

Finalize your content calendar and share it with your team. Ensure that everyone involved understands their responsibilities and deadlines.

Step 8: Regular Updates

Schedule regular check-ins to update the content calendar. This includes confirming completed tasks, adjusting upcoming ones, and refining the topic list as needed.

General Notes


Maintain flexibility in your content calendar to adapt to unexpected changes or spontaneous content opportunities that may arise.

Analytics Review

Regularly review audience feedback and analytics to inform future content decisions. Adjust your content calendar based on what episodes perform well.