Podcast Backup Strategies

This playbook outlines a strategy to protect podcast recordings through regular backups and secure storage practices. It aims to prevent data loss and ensure the longevity of your audio content.

Step 1: Inventory

Create an inventory of your current podcast episodes and any associated files, such as images, scripts, and notes.

Step 2: Schedule

Establish a routine backup schedule. Decide on the frequency of your backups based on how often new podcast content is created.

Step 3: Storage Selection

Choose a reliable storage solution. Select at least two different types of storage mediums, such as cloud storage and an external hard drive, to maintain multiple copies.

Step 4: Backup Procedure

Perform the backup process following the chosen schedule. Ensure you back up all new and existing files, maintaining a clear and consistent file organization.

Step 5: Verification

Verify the integrity of the backups by periodically checking the stored files to ensure they are not corrupted and can be restored successfully.

Step 6: Security Measures

Implement security measures such as encrypted storage, password protection, and secure access controls to safeguard your backups against unauthorized access.

Step 7: Update Plan

Regularly review and update your backup plan to adapt to any changes in your podcasting routine, the size of your archives, or advancements in backup technology.

General Notes

Test Restores

It is advisable to perform test restores of your files from the backup periodically to ensure that the data can be recovered in case of an actual loss.

File Formats

Make sure to keep backups in a commonly used file format to prevent issues with file compatibility in the future.


Document your backup strategy, including the schedule, storage locations, and steps taken in the backup process. This documentation will be helpful in case others need to manage the backups or in the event of an emergency recovery situation.