Live Podcast Event Prep

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to organize and execute a live podcast recording or event. It covers technical setup, audience engagement, and other critical aspects to ensure a successful live podcast experience.

Step 1: Event Planning

Determine the date, time, and location for the live podcast. Decide whether it will be online or in-person, ticketed or free, and whether you will have guest speakers. Plan the content and structure of the podcast episode.

Step 2: Technical Setup

Ensure all necessary equipment such as microphones, headphones, mixers, recording devices, and cables are available and functioning. If the event is online, decide on a streaming platform and test connectivity. Set up a soundcheck prior to the event.

Step 3: Promotion

Advertise the event across social media, email newsletters, and podcast episodes. Create promotional graphics, blog posts, or teaser audio snippets to generate interest.

Step 4: Audience Management

Set up a system for audience registration and ticketing if necessary. Develop a plan for audience engagement during the event, such as Q&A sessions, interactive polls, or social media shout-outs. Consider appointing a moderator or facilitator for the event.

Step 5: Rehearsal

Schedule a rehearsal to run through the entire event from start to finish. Work out any issues with guest speakers, technical equipment, and the event timeline.

Step 6: Execution

On the day of the event, ensure all equipment is set up and test all technology one last time. Engage with the audience as planned, keep track of the timing, and manage any unexpected issues professionally.

Step 7: Post-Event Follow-Up

After the event, thank your guests and audience, and request feedback through surveys or social media. Edit and publish the recording of the live podcast if that is part of your plan. Review feedback for future improvements.

General Notes

Backup Plan

Have a backup plan for technical difficulties, such as spare microphones, extra cables, and an alternative recording method.

Legal Aspects

Consider any legal implications, such as music rights, guest speaker agreements, and recording consent from the audience if they will be on the podcast.


Make sure the event is accessible to all audience members, including considerations for those with disabilities, offering subtitles or sign-language interpreters if the event is virtual.