Creating Videocast Episodes

This playbook describes the procedure for turning podcast episodes into videocast versions. The process involves planning, recording, editing, and publishing video content that complements the audio podcast, with the aim of reaching a broader audience and enhancing audience engagement.

Step 1: Planning

Determine the concept for the video version of your podcast. Decide whether the video will simply capture the podcast recording, include additional visuals such as slides or animations, or involve more dynamic production elements like multiple camera angles or on-location footage.

Step 2: Equipment Setup

Set up your filming environment. Ensure you have the necessary video recording equipment, such as cameras, tripods, lighting, and microphones that are appropriate for video recording, as well as a suitable backdrop that is visually engaging.

Step 3: Recording

Record your video simultaneously with the podcast audio. Make sure to capture high-quality video footage that is in sync with your audio recording, paying attention to lighting, sound, and camera angles.

Step 4: Video Editing

Edit your video using video editing software. Cut out any mistakes, add transitions, incorporate additional visuals or overlays, and ensure the final video content accurately represents the audio podcast and is engaging for viewers.

Step 5: Integration

Synchronize your video and audio tracks. Make sure the edited video matches the podcast audio perfectly, with no discrepancies in timing or content.

Step 6: Publishing

Publish the videocast episode. Choose a video hosting platform or multiple platforms where your videocast will be accessible, such as YouTube, Vimeo, or your website, and upload the final video file.

Step 7: Promotion

Promote your videocast. Use social media, email newsletters, and other marketing channels to let your audience know about your new videocast format and how they can watch it.

General Notes


Consider monetization options for your videocast, such as sponsorships, advertisements, or premium content offerings, to generate additional revenue from your expanded podcast format.

Audience Feedback

Engage with your audience to gather feedback on the videocast format. Use surveys, comments, and direct interaction to learn what your viewers like and how you can improve future videocast episodes.