Underwater Photography Guide

This guide provides a step-by-step approach to underwater photography for beginners. It covers essential gear, preparation steps, and techniques to effectively capture the underwater environment.

Step 1: Research

Learn about underwater photography by researching online resources, books, and engaging with the underwater photography community. Understand the basics of photography and how they apply to the underwater setting such as exposure, composition, and focusing.

Step 2: Gear Selection

Select the appropriate camera and underwater housing for your skill level and budget. Consider additional gear like lenses, lights, and accessories such as trays, arms, and floats.

Step 3: Preparation

Prepare your gear by ensuring seals are clean and intact, testing housing for leaks, and familiarizing yourself with camera settings and controls while it's in the housing. Charge batteries and check memory card space.

Step 4: Practice

Practice shooting in a controlled environment such as a swimming pool. Get comfortable with the buoyancy of the gear and make necessary adjustments to your setup.

Step 5: Dive Training

If not already certified, take a scuba diving course to become proficient in safe diving practices. Understand how to communicate underwater and manage your buoyancy and gear while diving.

Step 6: Planning

Plan your dive with photography in mind, taking into consideration the dive site, the subjects you wish to capture, and the natural light conditions at the time of the dive.

Step 7: Execution

During the dive, focus on safety first, and then on capturing images. Pay attention to composition, lighting, and the behavior of sea life. Be patient and respectful of the underwater environment.

Step 8: Post-Processing

After the dive, upload your photographs to a computer and use photo editing software to enhance the images. Adjust exposure, color balance, and cropping to improve the final shots.

Step 9: Share

Share your photographs with others, either online, in print, or in person. Use feedback to learn and improve your technique for future dives.

General Notes


Always practice responsible and ethical photography. Avoid disturbing marine life and be mindful of the delicate underwater ecosystems.

Continued Learning

Always seek to improve by taking advanced photography courses, diving courses, and staying up to date with the latest photography techniques and gear.