Sports Photography Playbook

This playbook guides photographers through the crucial steps of taking sharp and dynamic sports photographs with a focus on proper timing and camera settings.

Step 1: Equipment Setup

Prepare your camera equipment, ensuring all gear such as lenses, batteries, memory cards, and other accessories are in working order. Select lenses suited for sports photography, typically telephoto lenses with a fast autofocus capability.

Step 2: Camera Settings

Adjust your camera settings for sports photography. Set a fast shutter speed to freeze motion, a high ISO for low-light conditions, and an appropriate aperture (wide open to isolate the subject or narrower to get more of the scene in focus). Turn on continuous shooting mode and autofocus, preferably with tracking capabilities.

Step 3: Positioning

Choose a location that offers a clear, unobstructed view of the action. Consider the background, lighting conditions, and the potential for capturing the intensity of the moment.

Step 4: Focus Techniques

Practice focus techniques such as pre-focusing on a particular zone where action is likely to occur or using continuous autofocus with tracking to stay locked on moving subjects.

Step 5: Timing

Anticipate key moments in the sport by understanding the game and predicting when peak action is likely to happen. Rely on both preparation and instinct to capture split-second events.

Step 6: Composition

Compose your shots with intention. Apply rules of composition like the rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing to create visually compelling sports photographs.

Step 7: Review

Periodically review your shots in-camera to ensure sharpness, proper exposure, and composition. Make any necessary adjustments to the camera settings or your shooting technique.

General Notes


Prior to the main event, attend practices or smaller games to get comfortable with your equipment and with capturing fast-moving subjects.


Be aware of your surroundings at all times to maintain personal safety as well as the safety of the athletes and spectators.


Understand and respect copyright and privacy laws, including obtaining any necessary permissions for photographing the event and publishing images.