Photography: Capturing Emotion

This playbook provides a guidance on capturing authentic emotions and expressions in photography. It emphasizes techniques for creating a comfortable atmosphere, engaging with the subject, and timing the shots for natural expressions.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather the necessary equipment, including a camera with a suitable lens for portraits, memory cards, and batteries. Ensure all equipment is fully functional and ready for the photography session.

Step 2: Setting

Choose a location where the subject feels comfortable and at ease, ideally with good natural light and a non-distracting background.

Step 3: Build Rapport

Engage in a friendly conversation with your subject. Get to know them to help them feel relaxed and more willing to express genuine emotions. This rapport-building can include talking about topics of interest to the subject or sharing a laugh.

Step 4: Guide Poses

Suggest general poses to the subject, but allow them to adjust and move naturally within those poses. Avoid overly rigid or unnatural poses that may restrict emotional expression.

Step 5: Shoot Continuously

Begin taking photos, preferably with a camera setting that allows for continuous shooting. Capture a variety of shots, including both posed and candid ones as the subject becomes more relaxed and expressive.

Step 6: Observe

Pay close attention to the subject's facial expressions and body language. Look for spontaneous moments and be ready to capture them.

Step 7: Timing

Time your shots for peak expressions. This might be during a smile, laugh, or other expressive moment. Learning to anticipate these moments is key.

Step 8: Review

Periodically review the shots with the subject to involve them in the process and to make adjustments based on their preferences and comfort.

Step 9: Post-Processing

After the session, select the best photos that showcase genuine emotions. Edit these pictures minimally to maintain the authenticity of the expressions.

General Notes


Always obtain consent from the subject before photographing them, especially when planning to share the photos publicly or commercially.


Be patient throughout the session. It may take time for the subject to warm up to the camera and display their most authentic emotions.


Practice ethical photography. Respect the subject's boundaries and ensure they are comfortable with the process and any poses or expressions they are asked to make.