ISO Sensitivity Basics

This playbook describes how to understand and optimize ISO sensitivity in photography. It explains the impact of ISO on image noise and exposure, and provides steps to adjust ISO settings according to different lighting conditions.

Step 1: ISO Introduction

Learn about ISO sensitivity, which refers to the camera sensor's responsiveness to light. A lower ISO indicates less sensitivity to light and is typically used in brighter conditions, while a higher ISO is used in lower light situations.

Step 2: Exposure Basics

Understand the Exposure Triangle, which consists of ISO, aperture, and shutter speed. Recognize how ISO affects the overall exposure of a photograph, with a higher ISO allowing for a brighter image at the cost of added noise.

Step 3: Noise Understanding

Recognize that increasing the ISO setting can result in more image noise, which manifests as grain or speckles in the final photo. This can affect image quality, particularly in dark areas of a photograph.

Step 4: ISO Adjustments

Practice adjusting your camera's ISO settings. Start from a base ISO (such as ISO 100 or 200), and increase it only as much as needed to achieve a proper exposure without unnecessarily introducing noise.

Step 5: Lighting Conditions

Adapt the ISO to your lighting conditions. Use low ISO settings in bright, outdoor environments and high ISO settings in low-light situations such as indoors or at night. Always aim to use the lowest ISO possible for the given lighting condition to maintain image quality.

Step 6: Review Results

Review your photographs to assess the impact of ISO changes on exposure and noise. Experiment with different settings to find the right balance for your shooting scenario and photographic style.

General Notes

ISO Limits

Be aware of the optimal ISO range for your specific camera model, as different cameras have varying levels of performance and acceptable noise levels at high ISO settings.

Sensor Size

Keep in mind that sensor size can also influence the level of noise in an image at high ISOs, with larger sensors generally performing better in low light.


Consider the role of post-processing software that can reduce noise in images shot at higher ISOs, allowing for more flexibility in ISO selection during shooting.