Rat Training Basics

This playbook outlines a fundamental approach to training domestic rats. It aims to teach simple tricks and useful commands that foster interaction and provide mental stimulation for the animals.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather all necessary supplies, including treats, a clicker for clicker training (optional), and a quiet training space. Ensure that the training area is free from distractions and safe for the rat.

Step 2: Establish Trust

Spend time with your rat to establish a bond. Handle your rat gently and offer treats to build a positive association with your presence.

Step 3: Introduce Clicker

If using clicker training, introduce the clicker to the rat. Click and immediately give a treat. Repeat this several times until the rat associates the click sound with receiving a treat.

Step 4: Teach 'Come'

Start with the 'come' command. Call the rat's name and reward it with a treat when it approaches. Gradually increase the distance as the rat learns to come to you reliably.

Step 5: Teach 'Sit'

Hold a treat just above the rat's head and gently push down on its rear to encourage a sitting position. Click or say 'yes' and give the treat when the rat sits. Repeat until the rat sits on command.

Step 6: Advanced Tricks

Once basic commands are mastered, introduce more complex tricks such as fetching objects or navigating obstacle courses. Use the same reward methodology, shaping the behavior gradually with treats and positive reinforcement.

Step 7: Consistent Practice

Practice regularly but keep training sessions short, about 10 to 15 minutes, to maintain the rat's attention. Consistency and patience are key to successful training.

Step 8: Social Training

Encourage social behaviors by training your rat to comfortably interact with different people and other friendly, well-behaved rats, if appropriate.

General Notes


Training may take time and not all rats learn at the same pace. Patience and positive reinforcement are crucial.

Health Check

Ensure that the rat is healthy and in a good mood before training sessions to promote learning and cooperation.

Avoid Overfeeding

Be mindful of treat portions to prevent overfeeding. Consider using the rat’s daily food as training treats to maintain a balanced diet.