Clicker Training for Pets

This playbook outlines the sequential process of clicker training, a positive reinforcement method used to shape pet behavior. The guide is designed for beginners who are new to this technique.

Step 1: Get Supplies

Acquire a clicker and a selection of your pet's favorite treats. Make sure the treats are small and easy for your pet to eat quickly.

Step 2: Introduction

Introduce the clicker to your pet without using it for training. Allow your pet to see and sniff the clicker so that it becomes a familiar object.

Step 3: Conditioning

Begin conditioning your pet to the clicker. Press the clicker and immediately give your pet a treat. Repeat this step many times until your pet associates the sound of the clicker with getting a treat.

Step 4: Command Pairing

Choose a simple behavior or command your pet already knows and is likely to perform, such as 'sit'. Wait for your pet to perform the behavior, then immediately click and treat.

Step 5: Shaping Behavior

Use the clicker to shape new behaviors. Break down a new behavior into small, manageable steps. Click and treat your pet at each successful step.

Step 6: Practice

Regularly practice the behaviors you are clicker training. Keep sessions short and positive, no longer than 5-10 minutes, to maintain your pet's attention and interest.

Step 7: Phase Out Treats

Gradually reduce the frequency of treats, using the clicker as a bridge between the behavior and intermittent rewards. Over time, the clicker sound alone should reinforce the behavior.

General Notes


Consistency is key in clicker training. Always use the same click sound and reward behaviors you want to see with the same timing.


Be patient with your pet. Learning through clicker training can take time. Celebrate small successes and remain positive throughout the training process.

Session Length

Keep training sessions short and enjoyable. Your pet's attention span may vary, but generally, multiple short sessions throughout the day are more effective than one long session.