Creating Visual Identity

This playbook outlines the process of developing a visual identity for personal branding. It includes considerations for logos, color schemes, and font selections to establish a cohesive and representative appearance.

Step 1: Define Brand

Identify the core values, mission, and unique aspects of your personal brand. These will guide the visual representation of your brand.

Step 2: Research

Conduct research on current design trends, competitor branding, and target audience preferences to inform your visual identity decisions.

Step 3: Logo Design

Design a logo that reflects your personal brand's values and mission. Consider how the logo will be used across different mediums and scales.

Step 4: Color Scheme

Choose a color scheme that evokes the desired emotions and communicates your brand’s personality. Limit the palette to a few core colors and test them in various combinations and contexts.

Step 5: Select Fonts

Select fonts that complement your brand and remain legible across various uses. Usually, a primary typeface for headings and a secondary for body text is chosen.

Step 6: Apply Branding

Implement your visual identity across all brand materials consistently, including business cards, websites, and social media profiles.

Step 7: Get Feedback

Seek feedback from peers, mentors, or target audience representatives to refine and perfect your visual identity.

Step 8: Finalize

Finalize your visual identity elements and create a brand style guide to ensure consistent application across all future materials.

General Notes


Your visual identity can evolve over time; it is important to occasionally reassess and make updates as your brand grows and changes.

Legal Check

Ensure that your logo and other visual elements are unique and do not infringe on existing trademarks.