Year-Round Lawn Care

This playbook describes the essential lawn care tasks for maintaining a healthy lawn throughout the different seasons. It covers mowing, watering, fertilizing, and addressing common lawn issues.

Step 1: Spring Prep

Clean up the lawn from winter debris and thatch. Perform a soil test to adjust pH and nutrient levels. Begin mowing as the grass starts to grow, keeping the blade high.

Step 2: Summer Maintenance

Mow regularly, keeping the grass at an optimal height to promote deep root growth. Water the lawn deeply but infrequently to encourage drought resistance. Look out for pests and diseases.

Step 3: Autumn Care

Adjust your mowing height and frequency as grass growth slows. Fertilize the lawn to prepare for the winter months. Aerate to improve soil structure and drainage.

Step 4: Winter Protection

Minimize foot traffic on the dormant grass to prevent damage. Avoid applying fertilizers or water. Clear leaves and other debris to prevent mold and disease.

Step 5: Continuous Monitoring

Regularly monitor your lawn for signs of stress or disease. Treat problems such as weeds, pests, and diseases promptly with appropriate methods.

General Notes

Mowing Height

Maintain different mowing heights throughout the seasons: higher during dry or hot periods, and lower in the cooler growth periods of spring and fall.

Watering Schedule

Adjust the watering schedule based on rainfall, temperature, and soil moisture levels. Over-watering can be as harmful as under-watering.

Soil Testing

Perform a soil test at least every 2-3 years, or annually if adjusting soil pH or recovering from lawn diseases or pests.