Using Online Educational Resources

This guide provides a step-by-step approach to identifying, evaluating, and integrating online educational resources to enhance and supplement online course material.

Step 1: Identify Needs

Determine the specific areas within your online course that could benefit from additional resources. Consider the topics that may require more in-depth exploration or areas where students often need extra help.

Step 2: Research Resources

Search the internet for educational resources that match the needs you've identified. Use keywords related to the course subject, and explore educational websites, online libraries, and open-source repositories.

Step 3: Evaluate Quality

Critically assess the relevance, accuracy, and educational value of each resource. Check for content authorship and credibility, the recency of information, and alignment with the course learning objectives.

Step 4: Curate Content

Select the best resources that meet your criteria and organize them logically. Group materials by topic or module to maintain structure in your course.

Step 5: Integrate Resources

Incorporate the chosen resources into your online course. This can be done by embedding links, creating supplementary reading lists, or designing new interactive activities that include the resources.

Step 6: Update Regularly

Periodically review and update the resources to ensure they remain current and relevant. Replace outdated materials and add new content as the field evolves or as better resources become available.

General Notes

Copyright Consideration

Always verify that the resources you intend to use are not protected by copyright, or that you have permission to use them in your course. Look for materials that are explicitly labeled for free use or under Creative Commons licenses.

Student Feedback

Gather feedback from your students on the effectiveness of the external resources. Use their input to make informed decisions about which materials to retain or modify.

Diversity of Media

Consider using a mix of different types of educational resources, such as videos, podcasts, articles, and interactive simulations, to cater to various learning styles.