Understanding MOOC Certifications

This playbook outlines the steps to understand the various types of certifications, credits, and recognitions offered by MOOC platforms. It provides guidance on how to evaluate their impact on your career or educational aspirations.

Step 1: Research

Begin by researching various MOOC platforms and examining the types of certifications they offer. Look for information on the issuing institutions, and the types of courses for which certifications are awarded.

Step 2: Comparison

Compare the MOOC certifications in terms of accreditation, acceptance by employers or educational institutions, and any associated costs or requirements.

Step 3: Understand Value

Evaluate the perceived value of the MOOC certifications in your industry or field of study. Consider reaching out to professionals or academic advisors to get insights.

Step 4: Plan Courses

Identify and plan to enroll in courses that align with your career goals or academic interests, and that offer the most valuable certification for your needs.

Step 5: Review Requirements

Review the requirements for obtaining certification, including any assignments, examinations, or projects that must be completed.

Step 6: Consider Credits

Investigate if the MOOC certifications can be translated into college credits or professional development units, and what the process would entail.

Step 7: Assess Impact

Assess how the MOOC certifications will impact your resume or educational qualifications, and plan how to effectively include them in your career or academic profiles.

General Notes


MOOC certifications' value can vary significantly based on whether they are accredited and by which organization.


Always weigh the cost of obtaining certifications against the potential benefits, which may be subjective and vary from person to person.

Time Management

Managing your time effectively is crucial when engaging with MOOCs, as self-paced learning requires self-discipline.