Selecting Online Course Platform

This playbook guides through the process of selecting an appropriate online course platform by comparing features, course offerings, and specialization areas of various top digital education platforms.

Step 1: Define Needs

Identify and define the specific needs and goals for the online course. This may include the subject matter, the target audience, the level of interactivity required, and any tools or resources that are essential for the course delivery.

Step 2: Research Platforms

Carry out thorough research on various online course platforms. Look into various educational blogs, comparison articles, and reviews to compile a list of the top platforms that seem to align with your needs.

Step 3: List Features

Create a list of essential features that the ideal platform should have. This could include user-friendliness, multimedia support, assessment and tracking capabilities, integration options, customer support, pricing, and scalability.

Step 4: Compare Offerings

Using the feature list, compare the offerings of each considered platform. Take note of the unique strengths and weaknesses, accompanying course creation tools, market performance, user feedback, and available data on learning outcomes.

Step 5: Specializations

Examine the specializations and niche strengths of each platform. Some platforms may cater specifically to certain industries, technologies, or educational approaches, so select one that aligns closely with the topic of interest.

Step 6: Test Platforms

Sign up for trials or demo versions of the platforms that most closely match your criteria. This practical evaluation will provide insights into ease of use and actual functionality in a live setting.

Step 7: Decision Making

Consolidate the research, comparisons, and trial experiences to make an informed decision. Weigh the pros and cons of each platform and choose the one that best fits the defined needs and goals.

General Notes

Continuous Assessment

Stay informed about new developments and potential updates that online course platforms may implement, as this may affect the relevance and effectiveness of your chosen platform over time.

Seek Opinions

Consider reaching out to current users or attending forums and webinars to further understand the real-world application and support provided by the platform community.