Youth Athlete Nutrition

This playbook outlines the steps to provide tailored nutritional advice to young athletes. It is designed to support their growth, development, and energy requirements, considering their active lifestyle and unique dietary needs.

Step 1: Assessment

Evaluate the athlete's age, gender, weight, height, growth patterns, activity levels, sport, position played, training and competition schedule, dietary restrictions, and personal goals. This initial assessment will provide the necessary baseline information to tailor nutritional advice.

Step 2: Energy Needs

Calculate the athlete's energy requirements based on the assessment. Consider factors such as basal metabolic rate (BMR), physical activity level (PAL), and additional energy needs for growth and recovery after exercise.

Step 3: Macro Balance

Determine the appropriate macronutrient balance for the athlete. This includes the percentage of daily calories that should come from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, accounting for the athlete's sport-specific demands and personal goals.

Step 4: Micro Needs

Identify micronutrient needs, taking into account potential deficiencies common in youth athletes. Ensure sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals to support overall health and athletic performance.

Step 5: Hydration Plan

Create a hydration strategy that addresses pre-, during, and post-training/competition needs. Tailor fluid recommendations to the individual athlete, considering sweat rate and climate conditions.

Step 6: Meal Planning

Develop a meal and snack plan that fits the athlete's taste preferences, schedule, and energy requirements. Include pre- and post-exercise nutrition to optimize performance and recovery.

Step 7: Education

Educate the athlete and their family on the importance of nutrition for athletic performance and long-term health. Provide them with the knowledge and tools to make informed food choices.

Step 8: Monitoring

Regularly re-assess and monitor the athlete's nutritional status, growth, and energy levels to adjust the plan as necessary. This should include periodic check-ins to address any new concerns or changes in the athlete's routine.

General Notes

Team Collaboration

Involve coaches, trainers, and healthcare providers in the nutrition planning process for cohesive support.


Keep the nutrition plan flexible to accommodate changes in the athlete's training load, competition schedule, and personal life.