Effective Conference Networking

This playbook provides a structured approach to making meaningful connections at professional conferences. It includes preparation tips, strategies for initiating conversations, and follow-up best practices to maintain the connections post-event.

Step 1: Preparation

Research the conference and attendees. Set specific networking goals. Prepare a short self-introduction and update your professional profiles online. Plan your conference schedule with networking time blocks.

Step 2: Approaching

Approach people during breaks, meals, or social events. Use open body language and be approachable yourself. Be genuinely interested in others by asking open-ended questions.

Step 3: Conversation Starters

Use conversation starters relevant to the event or industry. Examples include: 'What sessions are you looking forward to?' or 'How do you find the conference so far?'

Step 4: Active Listening

Practice active listening. Show your interest by nodding and asking follow-up questions. Remembering details can be useful for follow-up conversations.

Step 5: Sharing

Be ready to share your own experiences and knowledge when appropriate. This can lead to a more balanced and meaningful exchange.

Step 6: Exchange Information

Politely request contact information when the conversation naturally concludes. Offer your business card or suggest connecting on professional social networks.

Step 7: Take Notes

After a conversation, take brief notes about the person and the discussion points. This will make personalized follow-ups easier.

Step 8: Follow-Up

Send personalized follow-up messages within a week after the conference. Mention specific points from your conversation and express interest in keeping in touch.

General Notes


Dress professionally appropriate for the conference to make a good first impression.


Be respectful of people's time and attention, especially during sessions. Do not force conversations or over-network.

Digital Presence

Ensure your social media and LinkedIn profiles are up to date before the conference for when you make new connections.