Implementing SDN

A concise guideline for implementing Software-Defined Networking (SDN) to enhance network management and agility. Includes steps to select appropriate solutions and details for integration.

Step 1: Research

Investigate and understand what SDN is and how it can benefit your organization. Look into different SDN vendors and solutions, considering factors such as compatibility with existing infrastructure, cost, scalability, and features.

Step 2: Define Needs

Identify and document the specific needs and goals for your network infrastructure. Determine the scale of SDN implementation required to meet your organizational objectives, and any limitations or requirements to be considered.

Step 3: Solution Selection

Choose an SDN solution that aligns with your needs after evaluating different options. Consider conducting a proof of concept to validate the solution’s effectiveness in your environment.

Step 4: Preparation

Prepare for implementation by assessing current network architecture, ensuring compatibility, and performing any necessary upgrades or changes to your infrastructure that might be needed for a smooth integration.

Step 5: Plan Deployment

Develop a detailed deployment plan, including timelines, resource allocation, and a roll-out strategy. Ensure that you have a clear rollback plan in case of any issues during the implementation.

Step 6: Training

Provide training and resources to your IT staff on managing and maintaining the SDN environment. Ensure they are comfortable with new workflows and troubleshooting procedures.

Step 7: Implementation

Execute your deployment plan, beginning with less critical parts of the network to monitor and adjust the process. Gradually scale up the implementation while continuously monitoring for issues.

Step 8: Testing

Conduct comprehensive testing after SDN implementation to ensure it meets all functional requirements and is providing the expected performance improvements.

Step 9: Optimization

Monitor network performance to optimize configurations, rules, and policies within the SDN. Keep an eye on how well your objectives are being met and make adjustments as necessary.

Step 10: Maintenance

Continue ongoing maintenance of the SDN environment. Implement regular updates, patches, and audits to ensure peak performance and security of the SDN solution.

General Notes


Maintain thorough documentation throughout the whole process, including changes made, configurations set, and any issues encountered. Good documentation is essential for future reference and troubleshooting.