Earthquake Safety Playbook

This playbook outlines crucial steps to be taken to ensure safety before, during, and after an earthquake. It includes preparation strategies, immediate actions, and post-earthquake checks.

Step 1: Preparation

Ensure that you have an emergency kit ready with supplies like water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, batteries, a first-aid kit, and necessary medications. Secure heavy furniture to walls and locate safe spots in each room, such as under a sturdy table or against an interior wall away from windows.

Step 2: Drill Practice

Regularly conduct earthquake drills with all household members. Practice 'Drop, Cover, and Hold On' during each drill. Identify and rehearse safe evacuation routes from your home and workplace.

Step 3: Alert System

Install an earthquake early warning app or sign up for local alerts. Ensure all family members know how to receive and respond to earthquake alerts.

Step 4: Immediate Action

At the first indication of an earthquake, execute 'Drop, Cover, and Hold On.' Take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, protect your head and neck, and stay indoors until the shaking stops and it is safe to exit.

Step 5: Evacuation

If evacuation is necessary, leave the building quickly but calmly once the shaking has stopped. Avoid elevators and be cautious of possible aftershocks and debris when exiting.

Step 6: Post-Earthquake

After the earthquake, check for injuries and administer first aid if necessary. Carefully inspect your home for damage, gas leaks, or fire hazards before re-entering. Use caution during clean-up to avoid injuries.

Step 7: Communication

Establish communication with family members and use text messages or social media to prevent overloading voice networks. Listen to the radio or check online for official updates and instructions.

Step 8: Aftershock Readiness

Be prepared for aftershocks, which are smaller earthquakes that follow the main shock. Continue to use 'Drop, Cover, and Hold On' during aftershocks.

General Notes


Check and replenish emergency supplies regularly. Each member of the household should know the storage location of emergency kits.

Important Documents

Keep photocopies of crucial documents like IDs, insurance policies and bank information in a safe and accessible location, preferably part of the emergency kit.