Motorcycle Suspension Setup

This playbook provides a detailed sequence for setting up and adjusting a motorcycle's suspension system. It is tailored to accommodate the rider's weight and preferences for an optimal riding experience.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather all necessary tools such as a spanner, screwdriver, and a measuring tape. Make sure the motorcycle is on a stable surface and in an upright position.

Step 2: Sag Measurement

Measure the motorcycle's sag by checking the difference in height from the unloaded state to the loaded state with the rider. This helps determine if the preload needs adjustment.

Step 3: Preload Adjustment

Adjust the preload using the spanner to increase or decrease spring tension. This is needed if the measured sag is not within the manufacturer's recommended range.

Step 4: Damping Settings

Refine the compression and rebound damping settings. Use a screwdriver for adjusting the clickers to control how quickly the suspension compresses and rebounds.

Step 5: Test Ride

Conduct a test ride to assess the adjustments. Note how the motorcycle behaves on corners and bumps. Make sure the ride is comfortable and the handling is responsive.

Step 6: Fine-Tuning

Based on the test ride feedback, make further adjustments to the preload, compression, and rebound settings. Repeat the test ride as necessary until the desired setup is achieved.

General Notes

Consult Manual

Always refer to the motorcycle's service manual for specific details on suspension setup, including recommended sag values and adjustment procedures for your particular model.

Safety Check

Perform a thorough safety check of the motorcycle before and after adjustments. Ensure all bolts and components are properly tightened and secured.

Weight Consideration

Consider the weight of gear and luggage if regularly carried. The suspension should be adjusted with this additional weight in mind.