Workplace Mindfulness Practice

This playbook describes a sequence of steps intended to help individuals practice mindfulness at work, aiming to improve focus, reduce stress, and increase productivity.

Step 1: Preparation

Designate a few minutes of your day, preferably in the morning, to sit in a quiet space without distractions. Set a timer for the duration you wish to practice mindfulness.

Step 2: Breathing

Begin by taking deep breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale through your mouth. Focus your attention solely on your breathing.

Step 3: Body Scan

Progressively move your awareness through different parts of your body. Notice any sensations or discomfort, acknowledging them without judgment before moving on.

Step 4: Observation

Expand your awareness to include the sounds and smells around you. Notice these sensory inputs without assigning any value or narrative to them.

Step 5: Mindful Tasks

Choose an everyday task at work and perform it with full attention. For example, while typing an email, be mindful of the sensations in your fingers and the thoughts you're conveying.

Step 6: Meditation

Engage in a short meditation session, using an app or guide if necessary. Concentrate on a mantra or your breath to anchor your thoughts when they wander.

Step 7: Reflection

At the end of your mindfulness session, spend a moment reflecting on the experience. Acknowledge any challenges encountered and any elements of the practice that felt particularly effective.

General Notes


For best results, practice mindfulness at the same time each day. This consistency helps to establish a routine and trains your mind to enter a mindful state more easily.


When faced with distractions, gently acknowledge them and return your focus to your breath or the chosen point of concentration. It is normal for the mind to wander, and the practice is in recognizing this and returning to mindfulness.

Gradual Increase

Begin with a short duration and gradually increase the time you spend in mindfulness practice. This helps your mind and body adapt without becoming overwhelmed.

Mindful Reminders

Set reminders throughout the day to practice mindfulness for a minute or two, especially during stressful situations or breaks. This can reinforce the habit and provide regular stress relief.

Workplace Integration

Try to integrate mindfulness into group activities such as meetings or brainstorming sessions by encouraging a minute of silence to help focus and center the group's attention.