Loving-Kindness Meditation

This playbook outlines the step-by-step process of practicing loving-kindness meditation for nurturing an attitude of compassion and acceptance toward oneself and others. It is aimed at promoting positive affirmations and emotional well-being.

Step 1: Preparation

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you will not be disturbed. Sit in a relaxed position, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to center yourself before beginning the meditation.

Step 2: Self-focus

Begin by directing loving-kindness towards yourself. Silently repeat affirmations such as 'May I be happy, may I be well, may I be safe, may I be peaceful and at ease.'

Step 3: Loved Ones

Next, visualize someone you love. Picture them happy and healthy, and repeat the affirmations for them, e.g., 'May you be happy, may you be well, may you be safe, may you be peaceful and at ease.'

Step 4: Neutral Person

Now think of someone you feel neutral about, someone you neither dislike nor have strong feelings for. Send the same loving-kindness affirmations to them.

Step 5: A Difficult Person

Contemplate someone you may have difficulties with. Try to set aside any feelings of anger or resentment, and extend the same kind thoughts toward them.

Step 6: Universal Compassion

Expand your loving-kindness to encompass all beings. Imagine your positive affirmations reaching out to every person and creature, spreading compassion and goodwill universally.

Step 7: Reflection

Finally, spend a few moments in silent reflection. Notice the feelings arising from this practice and acknowledge the sense of openness and compassion you have cultivated.

Step 8: Closing

Gently open your eyes and bring the practice to a close. Carry the intention of kindness and compassion with you throughout your day.

General Notes


For best results, incorporate this meditation into your daily routine, either in the morning or evening or both.


Each session can last anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on your comfort level and the time you have available.


If you find this practice difficult, especially when sending kindness to a difficult person, be patient with yourself. This is a practice, and it gets easier over time.