Applying Mindfulness Facets

This playbook describes the procedure for understanding and applying the five key facets of mindfulness in everyday life. It provides a step-by-step approach for integrating mindfulness principles into daily routines.

Step 1: Understanding

Begin by familiarizing yourself with the five facets of mindfulness: Non-judging, Patience, Beginner's mind, Trust, and Non-striving. Research and read about these aspects to gain a comprehensive understanding of each facet.

Step 2: Observation

Start observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Pay attention to the present moment and notice the details in your environment, your actions, and your internal experiences.

Step 3: Patience Practice

Cultivate patience by deliberately engaging in activities that require you to wait. Practice being patient with yourself and others, understanding that things unfold in their own time.

Step 4: Beginner's Mind

Approach daily experiences with a 'beginner's mind', being open and eager to see things from a new perspective as if for the first time. Avoid letting your past experiences dictate your current perceptions.

Step 5: Building Trust

Develop trust in yourself and your intuition. Listen to your body's signals and trust your feelings and thoughts without the need for external validation.

Step 6: Embracing Non-striving

Practice non-striving by engaging in activities without a specific goal in mind. Allow yourself to be in the moment without trying to change anything or reach a particular outcome.

Step 7: Integration

Integrate the five facets into your daily life. For example, apply non-judging and patience during a traffic jam, use beginner's mind when learning a new skill, trust in interpersonal relationships, and experience non-striving in relaxation or leisure activities.

General Notes


Consider keeping a mindfulness journal to track your observations, thoughts, and progress as you apply the five facets. This can help in deepening your understanding and practice.


Mindfulness is a practice that benefits from regularity. Aim to incorporate mindfulness exercises into your daily routine, even for short periods, to cultivate the facets more naturally.