One-Pot Meal Prep

This playbook outlines the steps for preparing meals using one-pot recipes. The aim is to simplify the cooking process, minimize kitchen clean-up, and ensure that the meals are flavorful.

Step 1: Select Recipe

Choose a one-pot recipe that suits your dietary preferences and includes ingredients that you enjoy. Make sure the chosen recipe is designed for one-pot cooking to streamline the preparation and cooking process.

Step 2: Gather Ingredients

Collect all necessary ingredients listed in the recipe. This includes all the primary components such as proteins, vegetables, and carbohydrates, as well as spices, herbs, and oils.

Step 3: Prepare Equipment

Ensure you have a suitable pot or pan for the recipe. It should be large enough to hold all the ingredients and suitable for the cooking method required, whether that is sautéing, simmering, boiling, or baking.

Step 4: Prep Ingredients

Wash, chop, marinate, and prepare ingredients as directed by the recipe. This could include cutting vegetables into consistent sizes, seasoning meat, or measuring out spices.

Step 5: Cook Meal

Follow the cooking instructions precisely. This usually involves stages of cooking over specific heat levels, adding ingredients in a particular sequence, and managing timing for each step during the cooking process.

Step 6: Serve/Store

Once the meal is cooked, serve it immediately or let it cool before dividing it into meal-sized portions for storage. Store in airtight containers and refrigerate or freeze as per the recipe's storage recommendations.

General Notes


Don’t hesitate to make substitutions for ingredients you don’t have or prefer not to use. One-pot recipes are often versatile and can be adapted based on availability and taste.


Reheat stored one-pot meals thoroughly before consuming, ensuring they reach the appropriate internal temperature for food safety.


To maintain the simplicity of one-pot cooking, clean the pot or pan as soon as it cools to avoid food sticking and to keep cleaning minimal.