Meal Prep Container Selection

This playbook describes the process of selecting appropriate containers for meal prepping. It aims to ensure food freshness and facilitate portion control.

Step 1: Assess Needs

Evaluate your meal prep requirements, including the number of meals you plan to prep, portion sizes, and the types of food you will store.

Step 2: Material Consideration

Decide on the type of materials you prefer for your containers, such as glass or plastic, considering factors like durability, safety, and maintenance.

Step 3: Size & Shape

Choose containers of sizes and shapes that match your portion sizes and the types of foods you plan to carry, ensuring they fit your bag or fridge.

Step 4: Compartmentalize

Opt for containers with compartments if you want to keep foods separate or if you enjoy a variety of foods in one meal, to prevent mixing of flavors.

Step 5: Usability Features

Look for containers that offer usability features such as microwave safety, dishwasher safety, leak-proof lids, stackability, and ease of opening.

Step 6: Purchase

Buy containers in accordance with your assessed needs, preferred materials, required sizes, compartment preferences, and desired usability features.

Step 7: Maintain

Regularly clean and inspect your containers, replacing any that develop odors, stains, or damage to maintain hygiene and ensure the freshness of your food.

General Notes


Consider environmental impact when selecting materials and opt for reusable and recyclable options where possible.

Health Safety

Ensure that containers are BPA-free and meet food safety standards to avoid any health risks associated with low-quality materials.