Family Vacation Meal Planning

This playbook outlines the steps for planning and preparing meals for a family vacation. The intent is to minimize the necessity of dining out by having meals ready, which can save time and money.

Step 1: Budget Planning

Determine your meal budget for the vacation. Consider the total number of meals, snacks, and any dining out experiences you plan to include.

Step 2: Menu Creation

Create a menu for each day of the vacation. Take into account the time of day, activities planned, and dietary preferences or restrictions. Ensure variety to keep meals interesting.

Step 3: Grocery List

Make a grocery shopping list based on the menu. Organize it by categories (e.g., dairy, produce, snacks) to streamline the shopping process.

Step 4: Cooking Schedule

Establish a cooking/prep schedule for meals and snacks that can be made ahead of time. Consider what can be frozen and what should be made fresh.

Step 5: Food Packing

Pack meals and snacks in a way that they stay fresh and are easy to transport. Use coolers for perishables and containers that prevent crushing or spillage.

Step 6: On-Site Setup

Upon arrival, set up a designated food area if possible. Organize the food by mealtime for easier access, and ensure there's adequate refrigeration if needed.

Step 7: Meal Serving

Serve meals at the designated times. Use any on-site cooking facilities if available, or rely on the prepared meals that require minimal on-site preparation.

Step 8: Cleanup

After meals, clean up the designated food area and properly store any leftovers to maintain freshness and avoid attracting pests.

General Notes


Be mindful of any food allergies or sensitivities within the family and plan the menu accordingly to avoid cross-contamination.

Local Specialties

If you wish to try local specialties, consider leaving some flexibility in your meal plan for dining out or purchasing local goods.

Emergency Supplies

Pack an emergency food supply such as non-perishable snacks, in case of unexpected travel delays or changes in plans.