Tech Tools for Stress Management

This playbook provides a sequence of steps to identify and use digital resources, applications, and gadgets designed for managing stress and enhancing mental well-being.

Step 1: Research

Search for and compile a list of digital resources, applications, and gadgets that are specifically designed to help with stress management. Sources can include app stores, technology blogs, and mental health websites.

Step 2: Evaluate

Evaluate the compiled resources based on user reviews, features, credibility of developers, and any scientific backing. Prioritize tools that align with your specific stress management needs and preferences.

Step 3: Test

Select a few tools to test based on the evaluation. Download apps, subscribe to services, or purchase gadgets that seem promising. Start with free options or those that offer trial periods to minimize costs.

Step 4: Integrate

Incorporate the chosen tools into your daily routine. Set aside time to engage with the apps or use the gadgets regularly. Track usage to ensure consistency.

Step 5: Monitor

Monitor your stress levels and overall mental well-being before and after using the tools to assess their effectiveness. Utilize any built-in tracking features the tools may offer.

Step 6: Adjust

Based on the monitoring results, adjust your usage of the tools. Discard any that aren't helpful and consider trying others from your initial list. Tailor your approach to what works best for you.

General Notes


Be mindful of privacy when using apps and gadgets. Review the privacy policy of each tool to understand how your data will be handled and ensure it meets your privacy standards.

Professional Advice

Always consult with a healthcare professional before relying solely on digital tools for managing stress, especially if you are experiencing severe or chronic stress.