Stress-Free Morning Routine

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to design a calm, stress-free morning routine. It aims to start the day with reduced stress levels, setting a positive tone for the activities ahead.

Step 1: Self-Assessment

Begin by reflecting on your current morning habits. Identify which activities cause stress and which ones contribute to a calm start. Note down aspects that can be improved or eliminated.

Step 2: Essential Tasks

List out all the essential tasks that need to be accomplished in the morning. This may include personal hygiene, breakfast, getting dressed, and any necessary preparations for the day.

Step 3: Prioritize

Prioritize the essential tasks based on their importance and the time they require. Consider which tasks can be streamlined or done more efficiently to save time.

Step 4: Prepare

Prepare the night before for the next day to reduce decision fatigue in the morning. Lay out clothes, set up breakfast essentials, pack your bag, and prepare your work materials.

Step 5: Time Buffer

Incorporate a time buffer into your morning routine. Allow extra time for unexpected delays, which can prevent rushing and reduce stress.

Step 6: Relaxation Activity

Include a short relaxation activity in your morning routine. Activities can include meditation, stretching, a brief walk, or reading something inspiring.

Step 7: Consistency

Aim to follow your new morning routine consistently. Consistency helps to build habits that can lead to a more natural and stress-free start to your day.

General Notes


Be prepared to adjust your routine as needed. A morning routine should be flexible to some extent to adapt to changes in your schedule or life circumstances.


Regularly reflect on the effectiveness of your morning routine. If stress levels are not decreasing, consider revisiting and tweaking the steps.