Submarine Tourism Guide

This guide provides an overview of engaging in submarine tourism, a niche form of travel that offers a unique opportunity to explore underwater environments. It includes steps for preparation, booking, and what to expect during the journey.

Step 1: Research

Investigate various submarine tourism providers, destinations, and experiences available. Look for reviews, safety records, and the types of sights you can expect to see. Consider factors such as depth of travel, duration, and cost.

Step 2: Budgeting

Plan and allocate your finances accounting for the submarine tour cost, travel expenses to the launch site, accommodations, and any additional activities in the area. Submarine tourism can be pricey, so ensure it aligns with your budget.

Step 3: Preparation

Understand the physical and medical requirements needed for submarine travel. This may involve health checks, signing waivers, and participating in safety briefings. You may need to condition your body for the pressure experienced underwater.

Step 4: Booking

Select your submarine tour and book your spot. This may involve a direct booking through the provider’s website or contacting them via phone. Ensure you receive a confirmation and keep a copy for your records.

Step 5: Travel Arrangements

Organize your travel to the submarine launch site, including flights, ground transportation, and accommodations. Verify visa requirements and ensure your travel documents are in order.

Step 6: Packing

Pack appropriate clothing and gear based on the provider’s recommendations. This often includes warm layers and items that can handle the damp conditions. Don’t forget any personal items needed for comfort or medical purposes.

Step 7: Pre-Tour Briefing

Attend the pre-tour briefing to learn about the submarine operations, what to expect during the excursion, and safety protocols. Pay careful attention to instructions on how to behave inside the submarine to ensure your safety and comfort.

Step 8: The Dive

Board the submarine and embark on the dive. Follow crew instructions and enjoy the undersea exploration, while respecting any guidelines about photography, movement, and interaction with the marine environment.

Step 9: Post-Tour

After the dive, there may be post-tour activities such as a debriefing or sharing photos and videos of the experience. Engage with fellow travelers and crew, and provide feedback on the tour.

General Notes


Consider purchasing travel insurance that covers unique activities like submarine tourism. Ensure it covers any unexpected cancellations, medical emergencies, or evacuations.

Environmental Impact

Be conscious of the environmental impact of submarine tourism. Choose providers that follow sustainable practices to minimize harm to underwater ecosystems.